This Story Garden

Hello, my name is Ellie and I write and illustrate children's books. Thank you for visiting my website about the work I have created. Currently, I live in Suffolk, UK with my husband, two children and two cats.
I have always liked drawing and writing and day dreaming.
I studied English for my degree, for part of it I got to study 'literature for children' which was by far the most fun and interesting. I did, however, always kick myself for not continuing Art beyond A'level.
I qualified as an English teacher 2009.
I wrote my first Children's book whilst pregnant with Lil and working in a large secondary school in Essex. I did a lot of the work at breaktime and must have looked a bit peculiar. I don't think the world was ready for a book about ambitious cats weighing up their prospects in the world of work. Maybe it never will be. Still it was good practice and not a bad place to start.
My Life Right Now

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I was 7 when my nephew was born. I used to like sketching him especially his little toes. His now well over 6 foot.
I love sketching Lil. Though she doesn't like me to these days

Herbs is very difficult to sketch as he doesn't stay still.


I love horses and paint quite a lot of pictures of horses.
I like doing yoga, but boy or cats usually get involved

Puppets - just because I'd had the idea and couldn't let it go.
I like designing cross stitch.

Fu used to bring me dried leaves and pond weed.
Only with us 6 months, Dotty once woke me up when Lil had a nightmare.

Tink, dainty killer
Hershey, fluffly owl squirrel
Knowing I don't eat frogs or birds, Fu used to bring me dried leaves and pond weed.