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I am Not Just Pink


The usual types of boys and fights
Of girls with flowers so polite
Is a view of someone short of sight 
Or peering blindly through the night.


If I’m not a Princess
It seems I’m a boy called Tom
But I have better names
Fearless, Happy, Strong.


I am not just Pink,
But that doesn’t mean I want to be Blue.
There’s a whole secrum of colours
Made up of more than two.


I like to jump and run about
To camp out with the stars
I like fairy wings and lacy things
And fishing and trains and cars.


I have long hair,
But please put away that bow and comb.
I like to wear what I find there
Collected from where I roam.


And sometimes because I have ideas
I might want that jewellery box.
There might be dolls who cry real tears
High heels and lacy socks.


And unicorns seem quite fun
And ribbons, fairies and trolls.
This doesn’t mean I can’t still run
Kick up mud and score some goals.


I don’t want a palace 
For me a den will do
I’ll build myself a home
Something completely new.


I want to be heard
Not given a voice
Given some words
And given a choice.


I am boldly exploring
Each possibility.
I am dancing and I’m roaring
I am trying out to see.


A world that’s laid out for me
Is a dress that doesn’t fit.
An interest in just fitting in
Was an idea that never lit.


For myself I can think
And I am not just pink.


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